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Sick & Shutin

Nursing Home: There are many baptized believers now living in assisted living homes recovering from sicknesses, surgery, and are rehabilitating from accidents. They need your presence and they need your sincere prayers daily. It is your responsibility as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ to visit the sick and pray always for everyone.

Hospitals: There are many baptized believers having surgery each and every day in hospitals across this country. They need our prayers, so I am asking you to stop what you are doing each day at (3:00pm) and let's touch and agree that the Lord our God will; heal, deliver and make them whole again in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Coronavirus Crisis: Althought the worst is over, I urge you to reach out and touch by faith in praying for those affected by this deadly virus. They still need your prayers and support. For the past three years you have participated in unity prayers that have restored the lives of thousands across the country, testimonies are coming in everyday of the saints proclaiming their victories. Thank you for "toughing & agreeing" in the prayers for the saints. 

Cancer Patients: Children with cancer, in cancer centers need us, they depend on us to pray for them. Let us "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Battered Women: Dirung times like these when the stress levels are high and the uncertainty of life exsit that women are victims of abuse. Abused mothers are depending upon your willingness to be their voice in prayer for them. It is the Lord our God through our Lord Jesus Christ who is able to heal, deliver and make whole.

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    New Beginning Ministries, Inc
    8139 NC Hwy 39 S. | Henderson, NC 27536 | PH: (252) 492-2412